Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jambo from Kenya!
I have safety arrived in Kenya and it is more beautiful then I imagined!  The landscape is very dusty and similar to Pride Rock ha.  It is warm during the day but sometimes freezing at night! Mount Kilimanjaro is right in my backyard although it is covered by clouds during the day.  We have at least 10 baboons who have decided to make our camp their home as well.  The babies are quite fun to watch bounce around!
I was able to see giraffes and zebras so far on the drive down, but I am looking forward to seeing lions and elephants on Wednesday during our first safari! The staff here are all from local tribes so we are surrounded with so much culture.  We are trying our hardest to learn Swahili so we can better integrate ourselves into this culture.  Our visit to the village, Kimana, proved to be difficult due to this language barrier.  I have also never felt so much like the outcast in a town full of Kenyans.  They all stared at us, proving it impossible to blend in here.   
We visited a Maasai "boma" (homestay) yesterday. They greeted us with a traditional song and dance and our professor told us it was rude not to perform one back to them. We of course decided to sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat and You are my Sunshine....I guess it is not as cultural but they were all dancing to it anyways! 
I will end for now since we have a student vs. staff soccer game! I will continue to update as I find time to! Love and miss you all!  

ps. focus on the important things....when you don't have much internet you would be amazed with what you find the time to do!


  1. Mags, it looks like your tail got longer already...

    Miss you!

  2. glad you got there safe and are having a good time! miss you
